How Dental Implants Can Help With a Severe Bone Loss Or Missing Tooth
Dental implants are replacements for one or more missing teeth. A dental implant is a thin titanium piece that interfaces with the patient's bone or jaw to serve as an anchor or as a partial denture, bridge, crown or other dental prosthetic. This procedure is done under general anesthesia and may take several visits over a period of several months to several years. During the procedure, the dentist places the dental implants in the jaw or in a location where they will be attached with screws themselves. The implants will then be shaped to match the shape of the teeth and bonded to the surrounding gums to keep them secure.
After placing the dental implants, the dentist will close the incisions and place stitches in the areas where the teeth or implants were anchored. This healing process can take from several weeks to several months. The area will be evaluated at regular intervals to watch for swelling or worsening. Swelling and worsening of the gums may require additional procedures or time for healing before the next visit. The gums should remain sensitive during this time so they can continue to heal properly.
The titanium screw and the titanium post will be replaced with a composite bar that matches the natural bone structure of the jaw. This composite bar will become the attachment site for the replacement tooth or teeth. It also serves as an anchor for a new, removable denture, bridges and crowns. The
dental implants in peoria az are made to mimic the appearance of natural teeth. In many cases, the patient will need to have a periodontal disease experience before this new dental implant system will be available.
The most common use of dental implants involves replacing lost teeth. One of the main drawbacks to this method is that the implants cannot be used if there is not sufficient bone in the gums surrounding the missing teeth to support the new replacement teeth. The new replacement teeth may break or chip if the bone around them cannot support them. Titanium dental implants are the best option for this application because they are strong enough to support the tooth and bone and they can bond with them. The titanium post that goes on top of the dentures can also be made from titanium. There are several advantages to using titanium for the attachment site including: it is strong; it is durable and light weight; it is resistant to corrosion and will not need repair.
Another application for dental implants involves a person with severe bone loss or minimal bone support. In this case, the dentures do not keep the teeth attached to the jaw. When the patient has a severe bone loss, it can cause a problem when eating, talking or taking yawns. To help with this problem, the dentist will install titanium posts that are screwed into the jaw. If there is severe bone loss, the implant may have to be replaced with a conventional implant system, but this is not generally the case.
Dental Implants can also be used to replace a single lost tooth with a bridge or partial denture. When the natural tooth is missing, a prosthetic tooth is attached to the remaining tooth. The
family dentist in peoria az will perform an impression of the natural teeth and the implant that will be used to fill in the gap between the prosthetic tooth and the adjacent teeth. If there is not enough bone in the jaw for the new permanent tooth to attach to, a bridge or partial denture can be attached. Once the replacement tooth has healed, the dentist will use a bonding agent to maintain the gap between the prosthetic tooth and the adjacent teeth.